Or maybe I'm getting a bit mixed up.
Not that it matters, 'cos it's all a load of old bollocks and whether the theories are true or not, no-one is going to prove them right (or otherwise) and a sh*tload of mentalists are going to keep on getting their kicks from them as, regardless of what evidence is placed in front of them, it's just a cover up by the US Government, the Royal Family etc etc.
The latest one I've seen is that the WTC Twin Towers were actually blown up by the US Government/CIA/Men in Black. You couldn't make this sh*t up... (Check on YouTube if you don't believe me).
GET A LIFE - especially if you are a dodgy Egyptian cornershop owner who has got bugger all better to do with his time and money. And the Daily Express for continuing to print utter bollocks on an almost daily basis (not just about conspiracy theories either, come to think about it).
Freaky freaky freak freaks.
Oh yes, and apparently the Royal Family are all lizard-like alien beings....
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