This post is for "Anonymous" who kindly commented on my previous post on Doherty which can be found here.
I could have chosen to simply add another comment, but I think this warrants a full post. To quote "anon":
"What the fuck have "keef" "axl" and the "toxic twins" got to do with anything?
Pete is a drug addict. Do you think he smokes crack so he can get some free press from the daily mirror or some other shit newspaper?
you honestly think that?
Sad?? I'll tell you what's sad - sad is living in a society where drug users fail to be treated as criminals (I think I'm correct that Class A drugs are still illegal??) and the namby pamby element believes that users should be cossetted and given a big hug because they are "victims".
Complete bullsh*t - let's remember that when first faced with drugs, Pete D had a choice to take them or not.
He chose to take them, and continues to take them. What is even worse is that he is a "celeb" and a potential role model for countless people. In a world where celebrity is king, and where the public are becoming even more impressionable by the media, this is an even more worrying situation.
Is his drug abuse a ploy to get media attention? Well, he's never shown any inclination to avoid the press to date. I suppose he thought that spraying a TV crew with blood from a syringe was a bit of a jolly jape then?? Or that being photographed sticking a hyperdermic into the arm of an unconscious girl was an absolute hoot??
At least Keef and co didn't have influence over a generation who had access to drugs from what seems to be every street corner at a price where young teenagers can afford to get regularly smacked out of their heads.
Many of the original school of drug taking rockers have been clean for years, and others have lived (or in many cases not) to regret their actions.
Maybe I am sad, maybe I don't actually give a rat's arse but I have my opinion and you have yours. Just don't try and make excuses for the actions of people who should know better or turn up on my blogstep with a half-arsed attempt at an argument.
Seriousness over.
Normal service will be resumed shortly......
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