"Estate Agents - what a money grabbing bunch of sh*tes they are!!!
I had the misfortune of dealing with the work shy fops when I bought my first flat in October of last year. Once I put my offer in, paid through the nose for a mortgage through them and got fleeced by the solicitors, they recommended I never heard from them again until I picked the keys up - no calls to see how much things were being f'd up by the mortgage company and the solicitors - no calls cos there was no further money in it for them, they'd had their wedge out of me!!!
And just when I thought the cheeky b*stards couldn't stoop any lower they popped a letter through my letterbox yesterday saying that they had buyers lined up who were desperate to buy in my area and did I want to sell my flat through them!??!!?
Utterly unbelievable - they haven't had anything out of me for the last three months so they want me to sell my pad and pay them lots of commission, it beggars belief!!! I noticed the sh*tehawks didn't pick up their bliddy "For Sale" sign from when I bought the place in October. On second thoughts, might as well leave their signs where they are just in case you want to sell several months later!!!"

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