You really do have to ask "What the f*ck has the world come to?" after the events of the last week, events which seem to have totally dominated the media (bunch of w*nkers that they are) on an almost global basis.
It's coming to something when an international diplomatic incident is caused by the comments of someone who has the intellectual dexterity of a toilet brush. Now I'm not condoning racism in any shape or form, but don't you think that this has been taken just a little too far??
For f*ck's sake, it's Jade Goody and "Celebrity" (used in the loosest possible sense) Big Brother. No one in their right mind should be watching this sh*t, let alone allowing it to escalate to the point where all semblance of reality and normality in the world is blown to buggery and back by a populations obsession with idiots, morons and f*ckwits of the first degree.
Call me a cynic, but let's have a look at who profits from all of this:
a) Channel 4 and Endemol, the programme's makers. As the old adage goes, "any publicity is good publicity". they've had their names plastered all over the press and TV and massively "enhanced" their reputations for producing "cutting edge" and "near the knuckle" telly. Which is really just a load of absolute drivel for the cerebrally challenged.
b) Politicians - those who actually brought this up in the House of Commons, ostensibly as an important discussion about racism and the state of the nation etc etc. Face it, they're all a bunch of media whores who only want to get their latest soundbite onto the news in an increasingly vain attempt to justify their existences to the idiots that voted for them, and to give the impression that they give a sh*t in a "we're all caring, sharing, wonderful people" kind of a way.
c) Carphone Warehouse - not only did they save a bucketload of cash by withdrawing their sponsorship deal, but (surprise, surprise) also got a bucketload of press coverage (ie free advertising) by doing so.
Alternatively, let's look at who gets royally shat on out of all this:
a) Jade Goody. Again, I am in now way defending her comments, whether racially motivated or not. You have to feel sorry for the poor cow - she has made a stack of dosh on the back of being stupid in a "you know she'll end up as part of the Darwin Awards" sort of way - money that has been thrust upon her in spades by the manipulative bastards that belong in the gutters of the media and business worlds. Two worlds that are now conspiring to roger her royally by pulling out the red carpet that they have placed under her for so long.
Am I the only one that feels that she's been set up for a fall, the way that all supposed media darlings and "sporting heroes" are, sooner or later?? Executives must be w*nking themselves off with glee as they wring out their final pennies from JG.
What's even more annoying is that I don't even f*cking like Jade Goody! She absolutely epitomises everything that is f*cked up in society today, and the seemingly total control that the media has taken over thinking and behaviour of Britain. A control that stemmed from, and grew after, the canonisation by the press of Diana, which resulted in a mass hysteria and media induced hypnotic "outpouring of grief" over the death of a woman who, when seen in the cold light of day, could easily be described as a media manipulating serial adulteress with pretty severe psychological problems.
Speaking of the press, the Daily Mail came up with this as a front page this week:
If the story was that unimportant whilst far more concerning events were taking place, what the f*ck did you give it your entire front page for, you complete f*ckmuppets?...
We're all doomed. Now I'm just going to sit back and see how many people I've just pissed off with that little lot.....
Technorati Tags:
Carphone Warehouse, Celebrity Big Brother, Channel 4, Daily Mail, Diana, Endemol, Jade Goody, Media, celebrity, cult of celebrity, boils my piss